Powermatic controlled, concealed door closers have been used to great effect in combination with a continuous geared hinge to create a safer, more comfortable environment in a specialist mother and baby unit at St Luke’s hospital in Middlesbrough.
The unit has been specifically designed to accommodate new mothers with post-natal difficulties. As such, a number of factors have been taken into consideration to ensure that all areas are not only homely and less institutionalised, but also as safe as possible.
The selection of hardware for doors was given careful attention by the Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Trust, who turned to specialist door solutions company, Intastop, to provide the answer. The objective, to provide an effective anti-ligature solution whilst retaining a domestic atmosphere, was achieved using the company’s anti-ligature continuous geared hinge in conjunction with Powermatic® concealed door closers and selected anti-ligature furniture.
The combination of the Powermatic door closer and Intastop hinge also enhances accessibility within the unit; Powermatic enables doors to meet the opening force recommendations of BS 8300 and Approved Document M, whilst the Intastop continuous hinge incorporates low friction bearings and distributes the door weight more effectively than standard hinges.
With the Intastop hinge running the entire length of the door, the Powermatic controlled, concealed door closer was able to be fitted at a position no more than one metre from the bottom of the door. This, together with the hinge’s special anti-ligature tip and the fact that the closer is totally concealed when the door is closed, thereby presenting no protruding elements as possible suspension points, provided the ideal anti-ligature solution. It also assured a clear, unhindered appearance to the door itself.
Delighted with the results, the design office for Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Trust commented, “The safety of clients is foremost in our thoughts during the design process of such development works, with the need to minimise any harmful risk.”
“Combining the continuous hinge with the Powermatic concealed door closer delivered the performance essential for fire door applications throughout the unit in an unobtrusive manner, which enabled us to create a safe and comfortable environment.”